*In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one, and yet remain two.
*True love can never be manifest through coercion or compulsion.
•Only in freedom can it persist and endure.
Life is short, and we’re meant to have love in our life… It takes two for things not to work or to work. If it’s worth saving, then it needs to be worked on. If it’s worth saving, then there has to be a reappraisal of how it can work. And its not easy if it’s only one person that is trying to make it work, and the other’s not…
If you go to counseling, then it’s a lonely road. It takes two.
My feeling is there’s got to be a mutuality of desire and openness for it to work. There’s got to be a little bit of maturity on both parts for it to work – and that’s not always forthcoming. You can’t have coercion and compulsion.
Giving is more joyous than receiving. It is in the act of giving lies the experience of my aliveness.
*In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one, and yet remain two.
*True love can never be manifest through coercion or compulsion.
•Only in freedom can it persist and endure.
My belief about love is that you either have it or you don’t. I also believe that if you’re not living together, you’re dying together. If you’re not loving together, you’re not living together. If you’re not living together, you’re dying together, and it’s time to move on…
Life is short, and we’re meant to have love in your life… It takes two for things not to work or to work.
If it’s worth saving, then it needs to be worked on. If it’s worth saving, then there has to be a reappraisal of how it can work. And its not easy if it’s only one person that is trying to make it work, and the other’s not… If you go to counseling, then it’s a lonely road. Tt takes two. My feeling is there’s got to be a mutuality of desire and openness for it to work. There’s got to be a little bit of maturity on both parts for it to work – and that’s not always forthcoming.
You can’t have coersion and compulsion. Giving is more joyous than receiving. It is in the act of giving lies the experience of my aliveness. We can only see change outside when we change the inside. The relationship you have with yourself is the determining factor in your relationship with others, be it a lover, or husband or wife.
“A man who loves his wife, loves himself.” (Eph. 5:28)
Ron Watson is offering loving guidance and counseling for couples and singles. You can email him @
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