The Mystical Marriage
On relationships. You’ll never find a perfect mate unless you find a perfect relationship with yourself. Loving yourself first. There’ll never be that perfect union outside of you until you find a perfect union within. Being integrated on a subconscious level. The subconscious mind regulates everything in your body. Any perturbations within will affect your reality. What we put into that subconscious mind (the soul, the feminine, the receptive) will come into fruition. How do we master the rational masculine conscious mind? By altering your thinking and self-esteem. It’s your self of worth and value. “I desire above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers”, says the scripture. It’s your creed and your deed that creates your self-esteem.
When we realize that the relationship with our spouse or mate is a reflection of a relationship with ourselves, we become WISE. Set the sail in the right direction.