Astrology vs Religious Intolerance
To argue and dispute with those who think they “know it all,” whether it’s Christianity or Astrology is in vain. The old saying: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” It’s a waste of time arguing with these closed minded individuals and I’ve learned over my lifetime that it’s not worth the energy, time or effort to contend with them. I could care less what faith, belief or opinions others have, it’s not my place to change, or debate them, but there intolerance and often their dogma’s are indicative of their own insecurities about their belief systems, for if they cannot convince others they’re right they are weakened and insecure in their own belief systems, their strength comes from belittling other peoples beliefs and trying to scare those that don’t believe like themselves into converting to their fear-based belief systems. In other words, believe like me, or you will go to hell. Such a destitution of a loving and forgiving heart. The interesting thing is that the Scriptures themselves say: The meek shall inherit the earth, the original root meaning of “meek” was “Teachable”, and there’s nothing more pathetic than a person who “knows it all”, and therefore is unteachable. The astrological root of scriptures is undeniable. Saturn was the root and Satan, Genesis 1:14 tells us that “God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for SIGNS, (emphasis mine) and for seasons and for day and years.” Judges 5:20 “The stars fought from heaven, From their courses they fought against Sisera. … They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” Sisera was a commander in the Caananite army, he lost the battle. If you really want to understand the immense astrological knowledge in the Christian teachings read “The Greatest Story NEVER Told”, by yours truly Ron Watson